Each individual is responsible for multiple tasks, administrative, creative, and lecturing. We practice what we teach – TEAM WORK. This allows streamlined, cost efficient, and effective work procedures. Creating our own practical oriented teaching materials – powerpoint presentations, lecture’s and students’ guides – gives the courses their own “IGTC Identity”.

Diah R. Suharso – Founder & Executive Director

As a founder, responsible for the entire organization specifically handling financial planning, securing sponsors’ support, student’s recruitment, liaise with factories, PR plus lecturing Merchandising Subjects and English.

Fadli Baskoro – Head Master of Education

An experienced in Human Resources and Compliance since his first career after graduated for around 11 years. Achieve pass audit WRAP, BSCI, BWI, garment brand audit, also develop HR PROGRAM and HRIS for company. He dedicates his knowledge and experience to IGTC Indo students in his spare time besides his working time.