Graduation Event of MMQ.2023.18 – IGTC Indo

Graduation Event of MMQ.2023.18 – IGTC Indo

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all parties involved and supported this event. Special thanks to the students who took the lead in organizing this event, showcasing their independence and laying a strong foundation for their future.

Our sincere appreciation goes to AMANN GROUP and Mr. Ismail, Managing Director of AMANN GROUP for Indonesia, a renowned global thread manufacturer from Germany.

A big thank you to the Graduation Costume Project Team: Trainer Bram Wahyo, Head of Design; Trainer Abdullah, Head of Pattern Making and Quality Evaluation; and Trainer Sunaryo.

Lastly, congratulations to our remarkable graduates for successfully creating your own graduation costumes. Your achievements are truly commendable!

fashionindustry #clothingdesign #sekolahlangsungkerja #igtc