Disnaker and Lembaga Akreditasi Visiting, Review of Facilities and Infrastructure
Friday, 15th October 2021, Disnaker and Lembaga Akreditasi visit IGTC – Indo to do a related review of facilities and infrastructure. IGTC – Indo as one of the best Job Training Institute who provide access of education especially in garment industry, always do the best to improve facilities for learning and teaching activities.
On that visit, Mrs. Diah Rahmawati as Executive Director of IGTC – Indo, Mr. Fahrudin as Head Master of Education, and Mrs. Dra. Lina Marliana as representative from Disnaker join the meeting. That meeting took time from morning to evening by reviewing the entire document and available facilities there.
Any findings and suggestions for improvement will be noted for better implementation. IGTC – Indo continues to provide physical facilities and learning materials according to accreditation standards in order to improve the quality of educational institutions.