Meet Alumni of IGTC Since 2009
Ms. Pascalina, Mrs. Devi, Mr. Sunaryo, Mr. Dimas, Ms. Okti, Mrs. Diah, Mr. Fadli, Mr. Fahrudin – Saturday, 22nd January, 2022 Trainer Team of IGTC Indo. Four of five are IGTC Indo trainers and alumni. They are from graduates:

2009 – Dimas Seto
2010 – Fadli Putra T.
2011 – Devi M. Prakastiwi
2012 – Pascalina Irbani

Proud of them. Proven that sustainable career graduated from IGTC is not merely how to make career in the garment industry, but also education sector is widely welcomed. Experience and integrity are the qualifications.

Other trainers on the picture:
Diah Subarso
