Graduation day MMQ.2017.4 & 5 at Grand Savero Hotel, Bogor on 29 July 2018
Congratulation to all students. You are reaching the goal for your hard work, effort, positive thinking, honest and of course your good deed. thank you for being our students. We wish you success, all the best for you!
They are now working in garment companies in the mid level management position. 2 months prior to the graduation, they signed their job contract with the companies. Congratulations!
Thank you for the speech on the occasion: Ibu Diah Suharso as an Executive Director of Yayasan Garmen Indonesia, Mr. Till Freyer, Mrs. Oxana Paustjan from Germany Embassy, Bpk. Handoko Ngadiman as a National Director of Compassion Indonesia, Mr. Lal Syam Uttam as the owner of Busana Remaja Agracipta.
We also thank to our great education team, stakeholders, companies who always support us, PT Asmara Indonesia, PT Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, PT. Busana Remaja Agracipta, PTMulia Cemerlang Abadi, PT. Leetex, Groz Beckert, PT. Coats Indonesia, Germany Embassy, our great grandpa Till Freyer, IGTC alumni as “Kakak Asuh” who sponsor the students, Bpk Imran, Mrs. Sandra, also our best friends Bpk. Ami Sudarwin, Ibu Ratna Setyaningsih, Bpk. Burhan, Hani Purnawanti.