Educational Partnership between IGTC-Indo and Gemini CAD Systems – a Lectra company

“IGTC-Indo collaborates with our educational partners to support the development of our students by providing the right technology that will enable them to shape the upcoming of the fashion industry. Our long-lasting partner Gemini, included our institution in GAIN (Gemini Academic Initiative), the Educational Program of the company.

Through this program we can offer access to commercial grade CAD software and cloud services for our MMQ students and teachers.

Each student and teacher gets free access to Gemini software technology, by receiving an individual account on Gemini’s educational online platform and individual licenses that can be used both in the school lab and on the home computer, being available 24/7. We are able now to reproduce real manufacturing processes in the school labs, such as: pattern design and modelling, automated marker creation, digitizing physical samples and have an automated workflow for product development.

The students can directly applicate the theory by themselves. The interface is very friendly, and the students are more effective and efficient in learning the complete workflow for product development.

It’s very important for them to be able to access international-level software, that is being used for commercial purposes all around the world, to increase their employability after they finish our courses.

We express our gratitude with an honest thank you very much to the Gemini team for its support. We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration with Gemini and wish our students a lot of success!”

English Short Course Program

English is the first main language in international communication. So, having good skill in this global era is very important especially for you who are interest working overseas and communicate with foreigners. IGTC-Indo is one of the institution help the students who are willing to get the career easier and earlier in middle management level.

English is one of the main subjects that must be mastered by all the students. it helps to gain more career in international garment industry, to communicate will all partners overseas, and foreigner.

We are open English short course program to help you improve English skill both written and spoken. It is available in two 3 months program and 6 months program starting on April 2022. Let’s join with us and be fluently in speaking or writing English.

This English short course program is kind of preparation to improve prospective students’ skill before join IGTC.

IGTC has high standard that the candidate must having English skill before join to this training centre. It helps much in studying, so they can understand easily the learning process in class.

English is the main important skill that students must have before they work in garment industry. They have to meet buyer, supplier, manager, and some foreign people who are working in this industry.

Tips Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional pertama di dunia. Menguasai bahasa asing satu ini sangatlah penting karena bisa membantu menunjang karir di profesi khususnya untuk perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan negara asing. Bagaimana tips meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris?

Kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik tidak hanya dibutuhkan untuk dunia kerja saja, namun akan sangat membantu ketika nantinya kamu bepergian ke luar negeri. Namun, untuk bisa menguasai bahasa ini dengan lancar tentu tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan. Butuh proses dan kerja keras agar bisa fasih berbahasa Inggris.

Tips Agar Lancar Berbahasa Inggris

Agar fasih dan lancar dalam bahasa Inggris tentu membutuhkan proses dan pembiasaan menggunakan bahasa ini. Untuk tahap awal sebagai pemula, ada beberapa cara yang bisa diikuti. Berikut beberapa di antaranya:

1. Menonton Film dan Mendengarkan Radio/Podcast Berbahasa Inggris

Mengasah keterampilan bahasa Inggris salah satunya bisa dengan menonton film yang menggunakan bahasa ini. Pilih film yang ada terjemahan atau subtitle sebagai tahap belajar. Kamu bisa menggunakan subtitle bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu untuk memahami kosakata yang diucapkan tokoh dan arti yang diterjemahkan.

Jika sudah terbiasa, maka tingkatkan kemampuan lagi dengan cara menonton film menggunakan subtitle bahasa Inggris. Sehingga kamu bisa tahu bagaimana cara pengucapan serta tulisan yang benar pada setiap kosakata yang diucapkan.

Semakin terbiasa menonton film berbahasa Inggris, maka kamu akan sering mendengar kosakata baru berikut artinya. Jika sudah semakin fasih, maka coba untuk menonton film bahasa asing tanpa menggunakan subtitle.

Begitupun saat mendengarkan radio atau podcast. Memang kamu tidak bisa melihat subtitle secara langsung karena media yang digunakan hanya bisa didengarkan. Namun, tips ini cukup efektif untuk menambah kosakata baru dalam bahasa Inggris.

2. Mendengarkan Musik

Hampir semua orang menyukai musik apalagi yang easy listening. Kamu bisa membiasakan diri mendengarkan lagu atau musik bahasa Inggris karena tentu akan lebih dihafal dengan nada dan irama yang mengasyikkan. Cara ini juga efektif untuk menambah kosakata baru.

Apalagi saat ini media untuk mendengarkan musik tidak hanya terbatas pada kaset dan CD sehingga kamu bisa mendengarkannya di mana saja. Mulai dari radio, playlist di smartphone, aplikasi lagu seperti Joox dan Spotify, hingga backsound viral yang sering dijadikan konten di media sosial.

Mendengarkan musik akan membantu kamu untuk menambah perbendaharaan kata. Semakin banyak jumlah kosakata yang dipahami, maka akan semakin memudahkan kamu untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris.

Terbiasa mendengarkan kosakata yang ada di dalam musik akan membuat kamu juga terbiasa mengucapkannya dengan pelafalan yang benar. Karena dalam bahasa Inggris, pelafalan atau yang biasa disebut pronunciation seringkali berbeda dengan tulisannya.

3. Berbicara dengan Bahasa Inggris Setiap Saat

Ada ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris “practice makes perfect” yang artinya semakin sering berlatih maka akan semakin sempurna hasilnya. Begitupun dengan bahasa Inggris, jika kamu ingin lancar dan fasih, maka harus sering berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa ini setiap hari.

Karena bahasa Inggris bukan sekedar teori untuk dihafal, namun juga harus dipraktekkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ajak teman atau guru untuk ngobrol dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris setidaknya 30 menit dalam sehari.

Tujuannya adalah agar terjalin komunikasi dua arah sehingga masing-masing bisa saling mengoreksi jika ada kesalahan yang ditemukan dalam percakapan. Selain itu, jumlah kosakata juga akan lebih mudah berkembang karena saat berbicara dan lupa dengan kata dalam bahasa Inggrisnya, maka kamu butuh kamus untuk mencari tahu arti kata tersebut dalam bhaasa Inggris.

4. Membaca Buku dan Artikel Berbahasa Inggris

Setiap hari biasakan untuk membaca buku dan artikel berbahasa Inggris. Selain menambah wawasan, pengetahuan, dan berita baru dari luar negeri, kamu juga bisa menambah kosakata dengan lebih mudah. Apalagi di era digital seperti saat ini tidak sulit untuk menemukan literature dengan bahasa ini.

Jika ada kosakata asing yang baru didengar, maka bisa menuliskannya untuk dihafal. Kebiasaan ini juga akan membantu kamu untuk mengasah kemampuan reading dan bagaimana memahami penulisan kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris.

5. Membiasakan Menulis dengan Bahasa Inggris

Writing merupakan salah satu kemampuan dasar dalam bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai. Kemampuan ini juga sama pentingnya dengan reading, speaking, dan listening sehingga harus terus diasah karena semuanya penting dan dibutuhkan dalam dunia professional kerja maupun komunikasi sehari-hari dengan orang asing.

Sediakan buku catatan atau buku diary untuk menulis apa saja dalam bahasa Inggris. Cntohnya menulis agenda harian, pengalaman dalam satu hari, berita, review buku, atau artikel lainnya yang menurut kamu bisa ditulis untuk menambah ilmu dan wawasan.

6. Berteman dengan Orang Asing

Saat ini sudah tersedia banyak sekali aplikasi yang memungkinkan kamu untuk bertemu dengan orang asing secara virtual. Platform tersebut bisa kamu manfaatkan untuk menambah teman sekaligus menguji seberapa bagus kemampuan kamu dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Cara ini akan melatih kemampuan speaking agar semakin bagus. Jalin pertemanan dengan orang asing yang dalam kesehariannya menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehingga kamu bisa belajar bagaimana berkomunikasi dengan native speaker. Kamu pun akan terpacu untuk terus meningkatkan kosakata dan grammar structure agar bisa ngobrol dengan orang asing melalui aplikasi.

7. Merekam Suara dan Mendengarkannya

Jika merasa belum percaya diri untuk ngobrol dan berkomunikasi dengan orang asing secara langsung, maka kamu bisa mencoba berbicara sendiri menggunakan bahasa Inggris lalu merekamnya. Gunakan fitur rekam yang ada di smartphone agar lebih praktis.

Setelah selesai merekam, coba dengarkan kembali rekaman tersebut dan cek apakah ada kata-kata yang masih salah, terdengar lirih atau ragu untuk diucapkan. Selain itu, cara ini juga akan membuat kamu belajar untuk mengucapkan kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pronunciation dan intonasi yang benar.

8. Berlatih Setiap Hari

Dalam bahasa Inggris ada 16 tenses yang harus dipelajari dengan fungsi dan rumus yang berbeda-beda. Salah satu kendala utama bagi pemula dalam mempelajari bahasa ini adalah kesulitan menerapkan grammar tersebut.

Cara agar lebih mudah memahami dan menguasai structure grammar adalah dengan melatihnya setiap hari. Coba buat kalimat dan paragraf dengan berbagai tenses agar kamu terbiasa. Pahami fungsi dari masing-masing tenses tersebut dan aplikasikan pada saat menulis maupun berbicara.

Buat target untuk membuat setidaknya 10 kalimat dalam bentuk positif, negative, dan affirmative untuk masing-masing tenses setiap hari. Semakin sering membuat contoh kalimat, maka kamu pun akan semakin terbiasa.

9. Kursus Bahasa Inggris

Jika masih merasa kesulitan untuk belajar sendiri secara otodidak, maka kamu bisa mengambil kursus bahasa Inggris. Karena di tempat kursus, kamu akan mendapatkan tutor yang sudah ahli di bidangnya untuk mengajari dan memberi pemahaman dengan mudah.

Salah satu rekomendasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris secara aktif bisa dengan klik di sini. Setiap hari kamu akan diharuskan untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris akan terbiasa hingga lancar dan fasih.

Never Give Up and Always Learning Lead Fahmi Badres to be Successful in Netherland
Fahmy Badres at Jolo Fashion Group, Netherland

Fahmi Badres is one of the alumni of IGTC (International Garment Training Center) who graduated in year 2011 majoring Marketing, Merchandising, and Quality Assurance. Now, he is working as Product Manager/Fashion Developer at Jolo Fashion Group, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherland, Europe.

He is handling NONO and Nobell Kids wear starting from salesman sample until bulk production. But, nevertheless also involved in creative part helping the designer making ccollections book, overview supplier, and editing photo of the photoshoot.

Here are his story how he started his career in Indonesia after graduating from IGTC until become a success person abroad.

How did you start your career in Netherland?

I started the job after graduating from IGTC as Quality Assurance in factory in Subang for around 1,5 years. Actually, I wanted to be Merchandiser at that time and had refuse that position because I fell like that job didn’t fit me. But, I kept the job as it is and worked professionally at that time.

However, it leads me to gain more experience. After finished the contract, I went back to hometown and got the job that I wanted as a Merchandiser in a factory. But, after some times I decided to join the family business, which is a home industry that’s running for the garment (mukena).

Before I started the school, I tried to apply for scholarships to study abroad, but I failed. I didn’t give up and kept saving money and I decided to go abroad, to visit my family and to study in Netherland. My very first job experience in Netherland was as a Hotel receptionist.

I studied in ROC van Amsterdam majoring in Fashion Developer (Jeans school, specific as denim developer) for an international course which is similar to IGTC one year course that gives specific garment subjects. After finished the study, I work as MD fashion development at Jolo Fashion Group.

What is your position and job description in that company now? What brand do you handle?

I work as a Merchandiser at Jolo Fashion Group, handling for NONO and Nobell’s kids wear. I am responsible for salesman sample, AP, and PP sample which includes giving a fitting and workmanship comment, until the bulk production.

I made a collection book, did photoshop of the photoshoot, and making an overview supplier. I like it the most when we are having a photoshoot session. We are a girl kids brand, it’s so much fun looking at a kid doing their action in front of the camera. They are adorable and cute!

What is your motivation working in Netherland? Why not other countries?

First, I really want to work abroad and it was my dream since long time ago. Why I choose Netherland? I traveled to some European countries, such as France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Spain, etc. But, I found the Netherland is more homie since I could fin lots of Indonesian and any Indonesian food.

It’s maybe because the Netherlands was colonial with Indonesia for around 3,5 centuries. I could found tempeh, tofu, kerupuk, varieties of sambals, and lots of Indonesian dishes. It makes me feel comfortable and like a home here. Once I miss my hometown or my country, I can eat Indonesian foods at there.

In which country do you handle the production?

We pass the order for bulk production in Chinas. Hopefully we can give the order to factory in Indonesia also one day.

How is the difference between working in Indonesia and Netherland?

There are no significant differences between working in Fashion Industry in Indonesia and in Netherland since it is in the same field in fashion. The difference is just I’m working as the buyer and I am responsible for the decision that I and my team made for the product that we develop into the finished garment in the shop.

The working environment is more relaxed in Netherlands. We work for fun and we do what we love. Of course, there is pressure in any job, but it is we do it as our responsibilities. There is no boss here, but there is a team that supports each other.

The working time is also flexible, I need to work 8 hours a day including the break times, I could choose the working time in anytime before 10.00 am. For example, if I start the job at 07.00 am in the morning then I could leave at 03.00 pm. If starts at 10.00 am then I should leave at 06.00 pm.

We are responsible for the working times ourselves. We can work at home also or anywhere sometimes.

Did you feel culture shock in Netherland?

Culture shock? Of course yes, because we come from different country and culture. But I can’t tell much here. Hehe.

Could you give some words or motivation to all of students in IGTC-Indo?

First, Keep learning.

Do not stop learning new stuff. Well, at my age I’m still learning new stuff, it’s good to improve our skills. At the moment I struggle with the language here, but I don’t stop learning the language which is Dutch something very new for me, even though the daily work communication in the office is English.

Second, Don’t give up.

Do not easily give up on what you have right now, be grateful, and keep trying to achieve your goal in a professional way. In my experience, I didn’t give up on what I had in my first job as Quality Assurance before. I gained experience from that to achieve to goals that I wanted as a merchandiser, but I kept dreaming until I could do to Netherland.

Third, Chase your dreams.

I dreamed to work abroad and I kept those dreams as a motivation, and I gave all the efforts and belief in myself that those dreams will come true.

How to be Successful Abroad, Sharing With Alumni Fahmi Badres – On Thursday, 27th January 2022, IGTC’s students got sharing experience from an alumni of IGTC (International Garment Training Center) who graduated in 2011 and now he is working as Product Manager/Fashion Developer at Jolo Fashion Group, Netherland, Europe.

We held sharing class via Zoom Meeting at 16.45 after finish the class due to different time between Indonesia and Europe around 6 hours. While Fahmi had this meeting at around 11.00 o’clock in Netherland.

Yes, he works abroad and being a successful professional there. It shows that the chance to be success in overseas is wide open. Every graduates of IGTC – Indo can follow his success and reach their dream to work abroad in any countries they want.

It will give new experience, insight, knowledge, and of course good salary. If in Indonesia the students can work as employee in garment factory or buying agent as supplier, then they can be buyer in Europe, America, or other countries.

The students are really enthusiast and curious about Fahmy’s life and how he can start the career in Netherland. Especially Fahmi is one of alumni of IGTC and all trainees should be proud to him and proud to be student of IGTC.

Fahmi Badres is one of good example and make the students are motivated. Fahmi shared his experience and stories how he never stop to learn and move forward to reach his dream.

During the Zoom Meeting, the students really paid attention to what he explained and because of their curiosity, a lot of questions come to Fahmi. Unfortunately, due to limit time as Fahmi had to continue his work, then the students are unable to ask more questions.

Fahmi showed his office area and some samples of the brand “Nono” and “Nobell” that he handle. One of students saw something interesting that make his mind amazed.

“I saw the automatic lamp and it is very nice. No need a lot of motion to switch on or switch off the lamp and just raise your hand,” said Nafesh.

“We have to keep our mind to be positive and keep confident because as we can see bro Fahmi being a success person right now because he never give up about his life,” said Nadia.

Before being a success Merchandiser right now, he almost give up to his first position as Quality Control in one of factory in Subang after graduate from IGTC. But, he took that opportunity as a lesson to have more experience and now he reach his dream to be an MD.

But, before we closed the Zoom Meeting, Fahmi gave some motivations and message to all of students in IGTC-Indo.

“Don’t stop learning, don’t give up with your position, and keep chase your dreams,” said Fahmi.

We thanks very much to Fahmi Badres who support us by sharing his knowledge and experience to all of students in IGTC-Indo during his busy time working in Netherland.

Good luck Fahmi and hopefully you become more success!

Meet Alumni of IGTC Since 2009
Ms. Pascalina, Mrs. Devi, Mr. Sunaryo, Mr. Dimas, Ms. Okti, Mrs. Diah, Mr. Fadli, Mr. Fahrudin – Saturday, 22nd January, 2022 Trainer Team of IGTC Indo. Four of five are IGTC Indo trainers and alumni. They are from graduates:

2009 – Dimas Seto
2010 – Fadli Putra T.
2011 – Devi M. Prakastiwi
2012 – Pascalina Irbani

Proud of them. Proven that sustainable career graduated from IGTC is not merely how to make career in the garment industry, but also education sector is widely welcomed. Experience and integrity are the qualifications.

Other trainers on the picture:
Diah Subarso


Mr. Ibnu Otslan’s First Class for MMQ 14 & 15 – Today is the first class of Mr. Ibnu Otslan for MMQ.2021.14 & 15. They got export-import shipment terms lesson that very useful for their work later in garment industry.

The graduates of IGTC-Indo are preparing to be ready for working especially in garment industry with export market oriented. Then, this knowledge about export-import is very important thing so they know how the goods should be exported, how the import material should be inhouse on time, and of course the documents that need to be prepared as per requirement.

“Today’s class is the most enthusiast class ever,” said Nadia one of the MMQ.2021.14’ss students.

All of the trainees looked very enthusiast with the lesson and tried to ask what they want to know about export and import even until the time is up. Luckily, Mr.Ibnu Otslan always make sure that all students understand in every session.

“For example about shipping instruction, he only explained that one and didn’t move until we are all understand,” add Nadia.

It means this subject made them curious and they wanted to know how the export-import rules is. It must be good sign that most of them should be interest and understand clearly as preparation for their work later.

Mr. Ibnu Otslan is one of the best professional lecturers in IGTC and had share his knowledge more than 10 years. He experienced in export-import especially garment industry for around 20 years. IGTC-Indo is lucky having him as the lecturer. He always support IGTC and teach the students in between his works at PT Asmara Karya Abadi.

Thank you so much for today’s fun learning, Mr. Ibnu!

Farewell of Mrs. Audrey S. Paulina – Saturday, 15th January 2022 is the last day of Mrs. Audrey S. Paulina join with IGTC. She gave us a lot of knowledge in General English subject and helped for some administrations works. We feel regret if any wrong statement or behavior that might hurt her.

For more than one year we had memorable moments either with students, staffs, or trainers. The students got more improvement in writing, speaking, or listening so they can follow the lessons well.

English is the main language of our activities especially during office hour. If any students speak in Bahasa or other language, then they will get punishment. We have five minutes talking program also to improve English’s skill of all students.

Mrs. Audrey got more involvement for this program then we feel very grateful for that. We say thank you very much for everything during her time in IGTC – Indo. It must be unforgettable moments ever.

Good luck Mrs. Audrey and enjoy your life. Thank you very much!

Students of MMQ 14 & 15 with Mrs. Audrey
Semester 1 Test of MMQ 14 & 15

Starting 27th Dec to 30th Dec 2021, IGTC held test for semester 1. There were four main subjects that must be presented by the students. We did the test in different ways to know the capability of students either they understand all the subjects clearly or not.

We didn’t do writing test such as essay or multiple choice as we would like to know how much the students understand all of subjects we teached. They even can’t cheat during the test because they directly get the questions from the trainer and must explain clearly based on lucky draw.

This kind of test really worth it to do so the trainers know what are the weakness and strength of students. Some students might excellent in one or all subjects.

The first day on 21st December 2021, students did the test of Industrial Engineering with Mr. Fachrudin and Computer Literacy with Mr. Nuke. The next day on 22nd December 2021, the subjects was Flat Knit with Mr. Sunaryo and Marketing Merchandising subject with Mrs. Diah.

Due to the time is not enough, on December 29th 2021, the rest of students must presented Industrial Engineering and Marketing Merchandising subject. Then, the last day on 30th December, the subject was General English with Mrs. Audrey and Mrs. Devi Murti.

The students must understands some topics in all of subjects, those are:

  • Marketing Merchandising (Q & A) : KYP Woven, KYP Circular Knit, KYP Lab Test, KYP Washing, and Managing Sampling
  • Industrial Engineering (Q & A) : Operation Breakdown, SMV – Standard Minute Value, Line Balancing, Lay Out
  • General English (Lucky Dray) : Simple Past vs Simple Present, Simple Future vs Future Continuous, Part of speech, Verbal vs Nominal Sentences, Passive vs Active Voice, and Past Perfect vs Present Perfect vs Future Perfect
  • Flat Knit: KYP Flat Knit

Some of students did good presentation, but some of them must did remedial on around 1st week of January. By doing this kind of test, the students must understand clearly all the subjects so they can present it well.

Disnaker and Lembaga Akreditasi Visiting, Review of Facilities and Infrastructure

Friday, 15th October 2021, Disnaker and Lembaga Akreditasi visit IGTC – Indo to do a related review of facilities and infrastructure. IGTC – Indo as one of the best Job Training Institute who provide access of education especially in garment industry, always do the best to improve facilities for learning and teaching activities.

On that visit, Mrs. Diah Rahmawati as Executive Director of IGTC – Indo, Mr. Fahrudin as Head Master of Education, and Mrs. Dra. Lina Marliana as representative from Disnaker join the meeting. That meeting took time from morning to evening by reviewing the entire document and available facilities there.

Any findings and suggestions for improvement will be noted for better implementation. IGTC – Indo continues to provide physical facilities and learning materials according to accreditation standards in order to improve the quality of educational institutions.