Semester 1 Test of MMQ 14 & 15

Starting 27th Dec to 30th Dec 2021, IGTC held test for semester 1. There were four main subjects that must be presented by the students. We did the test in different ways to know the capability of students either they understand all the subjects clearly or not.

We didn’t do writing test such as essay or multiple choice as we would like to know how much the students understand all of subjects we teached. They even can’t cheat during the test because they directly get the questions from the trainer and must explain clearly based on lucky draw.

This kind of test really worth it to do so the trainers know what are the weakness and strength of students. Some students might excellent in one or all subjects.

The first day on 21st December 2021, students did the test of Industrial Engineering with Mr. Fachrudin and Computer Literacy with Mr. Nuke. The next day on 22nd December 2021, the subjects was Flat Knit with Mr. Sunaryo and Marketing Merchandising subject with Mrs. Diah.

Due to the time is not enough, on December 29th 2021, the rest of students must presented Industrial Engineering and Marketing Merchandising subject. Then, the last day on 30th December, the subject was General English with Mrs. Audrey and Mrs. Devi Murti.

The students must understands some topics in all of subjects, those are:

  • Marketing Merchandising (Q & A) : KYP Woven, KYP Circular Knit, KYP Lab Test, KYP Washing, and Managing Sampling
  • Industrial Engineering (Q & A) : Operation Breakdown, SMV – Standard Minute Value, Line Balancing, Lay Out
  • General English (Lucky Dray) : Simple Past vs Simple Present, Simple Future vs Future Continuous, Part of speech, Verbal vs Nominal Sentences, Passive vs Active Voice, and Past Perfect vs Present Perfect vs Future Perfect
  • Flat Knit: KYP Flat Knit

Some of students did good presentation, but some of them must did remedial on around 1st week of January. By doing this kind of test, the students must understand clearly all the subjects so they can present it well.

Disnaker and Lembaga Akreditasi Visiting, Review of Facilities and Infrastructure

Friday, 15th October 2021, Disnaker and Lembaga Akreditasi visit IGTC – Indo to do a related review of facilities and infrastructure. IGTC – Indo as one of the best Job Training Institute who provide access of education especially in garment industry, always do the best to improve facilities for learning and teaching activities.

On that visit, Mrs. Diah Rahmawati as Executive Director of IGTC – Indo, Mr. Fahrudin as Head Master of Education, and Mrs. Dra. Lina Marliana as representative from Disnaker join the meeting. That meeting took time from morning to evening by reviewing the entire document and available facilities there.

Any findings and suggestions for improvement will be noted for better implementation. IGTC – Indo continues to provide physical facilities and learning materials according to accreditation standards in order to improve the quality of educational institutions.

Welcome New Batches of MMQ.2021.14/15

New batches of MMQ.2021.14/15 of IGTC Indo have started. Online study is the best option at the moment, still keeping up on fire. Believe that “from a distance, there’s a harmony”, just like Bette Midler said…..then, we started to sing it, relaxing for a while in the middle of the study. Welcome guys!

Fun Basketball Tournament by MMQ.2020.11,12,13

A casual fun basketball tournament by IGTC Indo students of MMQ.2020.11,12,13. Everyone’s excited for today. Congratulations for your graduation!

Selamat Jalan Pak Till Freyer, by Handoko

Saya bertemu dengan almarhum Pak Till Freyer dikenalkan oleh Pak Kenny Wirya di International Garment Training Center (IGTC).

Saya bersyukur dengan perkenalan tersebut, juga dengan mengetahui tentang IGTC.
Karena almarhum telah membangun IGTC menjadi salah satu pusat pelatihan vokasi garment terbaik di Indonesia.

IGTC sekarang menjadi Indonesia Garment Training Center, dan tetap menjadi salah satu pusat pelatihan vokasi yg terbaik.

Compassion Indonesia sudah bekerjasama dengan IGTC sebanyak 5 angkatan, dan melatih ratusan lulusan SMA dari keluarga prasejahtera yang berasal dari wilayah-wilayah yg banyak pabrik-pabrik garmen investasi internasional melalui program vokasi 1 tahun. Sebagian mereka berasal dari keluarga-keluarga prasejahtera yang hanya mampu menjadi satpam, tenaga buruh, dan lainnya di pabrik-pabrik tersebut.

Selama 5 angkatan, setiap lulusan langsung mendapatkan pekerjaan di perusahaan-perusahaan garment terbaik di Indonesia sesudah graduation. Lulusan-lulusan ini bukan lagi menjadi buruh atau tenaga kontrak.
Mereka menjadi staf penuh waktu, ahli di bidangnya dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris yg baik.
Dan mereka mendapatkan gaji di atas UMR, mandiri secara keuangan, memperbaiki ekonomi keluarga mereka, mempunyai karir yg baik, dan beberapa melanjutkan S1 dengan biaya mereka sendiri.

Seorang almarhum Till bukanlah orang Indonesia, tetapi dialah Indonesia sejati dengan karyanya memberkati dan berdampak untuk Indonesia?

Selamat jalan almarhum pak Till Freyer.

May You Rest In Peace Mr Budi (Textile Guest Lecturer)

We glad to having you as Textile Lecturer, you used to have no problem teaching in the midst of your busy life. Spending your weekend for IGTC trainee.

Thank you Mr Budi Tjoko Trisnoyuwono, may you rest in peace.

Graduation day MMQ.2017.4 & 5 at Grand Savero Hotel, Bogor on 29 July 2018

Congratulation to all students. You are reaching the goal for your hard work, effort, positive thinking, honest and of course your good deed. thank you for being our students. We wish you success, all the best for you!
They are now working in garment companies in the mid level management position. 2 months prior to the graduation, they signed their job contract with the companies. Congratulations!

Thank you for the speech on the occasion: Ibu Diah Suharso as an Executive Director of Yayasan Garmen Indonesia, Mr. Till Freyer, Mrs. Oxana Paustjan from Germany Embassy, Bpk. Handoko Ngadiman as a National Director of Compassion Indonesia, Mr. Lal Syam Uttam as the owner of Busana Remaja Agracipta.

We also thank to our great education team, stakeholders, companies who always support us, PT Asmara Indonesia, PT Ameya Livingstyle Indonesia, PT. Busana Remaja Agracipta, PTMulia Cemerlang Abadi, PT. Leetex, Groz Beckert, PT. Coats Indonesia, Germany Embassy, our great grandpa Till Freyer, IGTC alumni as “Kakak Asuh” who sponsor the students, Bpk Imran, Mrs. Sandra, also our best friends Bpk. Ami Sudarwin, Ibu Ratna Setyaningsih, Bpk. Burhan, Hani Purnawanti.

Graduation of MMQ.2016.2 and Ceremonial Graduation of MMQ.2016.3

The graduation event was held on Sunday, 23rd July 2017 at Grand Savero Hotel, Bogor from 09:00 – 13:00, and opened by a welcoming dance presented by IGTC students. Attended by:

  • Executive Director, Mrs. Diah Suharso
  • Advisory Team IGTC Indo, Mr. Wira Sudjaja
  • Head Master Education of IGTC Indo, Mr. Aji Budi Sardadi
  • Advisory Team & Consultant of IGTC, Mr. Till Freyer
  • Representative from Compassion Indonesia, Mr. Marcellius Hendratma
  • Representative from CAD System Gemini, Mrs. Lindawati
  • Representative from Busana Remaja Agracipta, Ibu Nuri
  • Representative from Ameya Living Style Indonesia
  • Representative from Pan Brothers
  • All Trainers
  • Parents & Other honour guests

All performance in the graduation event was prepare and perform by the students.

The graduation costume which wore by the students and trainers are designed, made and sew by the students as well, they must make sure that the design is synchronized with the graduation theme, Asymmetric. After the design for the fashion pair are okay, approved by the trainer and the concern designer trainer, they can go ahead with the pattern and of course sewing and fitting as the final process.

All the graduates of both program classes were recruited by Garment Industries by before their last day studying in IGTC Indo, as Merchandisers, Quality Controllers, Quality Assurancers, Designer team, Costing team and Purchasing team.

Finally wish all the best and success all the time for the graduated students!

The Visit and Compliances Sharing

The visit and compliance sharing with Kees Goetjes from Fair Wear foundation, Netherlands and Mr. King Oey from Mondaail FNV,Netherlands. This sharing and cooperation benefits both of the parties for a better understanding in social compliance issues in International Garment business.